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Request a Flight

Important Service Qualifier (please read)

Are you in a drivable distance to Monroeville, Alabama and able to drive or be driven to our PFC Hanger? (all flights depart from Monroeville, Alabama)
-If yes, proceed to filling out our online forms.
-If no, please visit the National PFC website at which is the national website to find a PFC near you.

Pilots for Christ is Ready to Help.

You can download the flight request forms below and email them to us at Each patient is very special to us. From the moment you submit a request, our PFC prayer partners begin praying for your specific need.

If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at 251-575-9425, or send us a message from our contact page.

Patient Request Form

Please download the two-page Patient Request Form below.  This is a fillable form that you can either complete on your device and provide an e-signature or print out and sign by hand.  After completing both pages, please email your signed form to  In that email, please share with us your story and also send us a picture of yourself and/or your caregiver.
Download Form

Caregiver Hold Harmless Form

If you have a caregiver that you will be requesting to fly with you, please have your caregiver fill out the Caregiver Hold Harmless Form. This is a fillable form that you can either complete on your device and provide an e-signature or print out and sign by hand. After completing the form, please email your completed form to
Download Form

Physician Evaluation Form

Please have your physician fill out the Physicians Evaluation Form.  This is a fillable form that you can either complete on your device and provide an e-signature or print out and sign by hand. After completing, please email your signed form to It is also acceptable to email your form to the patient directly as long as the patient is able to forward the originating email to Pilots for Christ for verification.
Download Form